
OpenTerra's legal notice summarizes legal and formal information about our commitment to green cities and innovative technologies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Responsibility for content and operator

Climagrün GmbH

Weingartenweg 43
I-39100 - Bolzano
(BZ), Italy

VAT no. 02673280216
Recipient code. A4RZ960

Phone: +39 0471 913 832

Chamber of Commerce. Bolzano
Registration number Chamber of Commerce. 196043
REA No. BZ - 196043

Share capital. € 60,000.00 fully paid up

Graphics, conception, creation

The office without a name
Stuttgarter Straße 16a
A-6330 Kufstein
+43 664 5242942

Strategy, marketing, web design

Reichrieglerweg 17
I-39100 Bolzano
(BZ), Italy
+39 346 1033 556

This project was created by BERGER+TEAM - the freelance collective for branding, website and marketing in South Tyrol-Bolzano.

Liability for content

The contents of our pages have been created with the greatest care. We cannot assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the contents.

Copyright and copyright law

All contributions (texts, images, illustrations, documents, videos, etc.) on this website are protected by copyright. The reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of use outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author, creator or owner. Should you become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such content immediately.

Picture credits

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